Coming Soon


It’s the last week of your 12 week programme! We’ve made so many lifestyle changes over the last 12 weeks; from looking at how to improve your diet, sleep and exercise to reducing your stress. 

As we’ve said throughout, these 12 weeks have all been about building the foundations for a lifestyle that supports a healthier gut and a happier you. So, while these 12 weeks are very nearly complete, this week is all about how we can make sure these changes become permanent fixtures in our day-to-day lives moving forward. We’ve broken this down into a very simple 5 step guide;

Start with a good night’s sleep

We touched on the importance of this in week 9 and we cannot emphasise enough how important a good night’s sleep is in empowering you to be able to achieve your goals. 

So, before you even begin your day, one of the best ways to improve your day actually starts the night before. This will make sure you’re in the best possible position to wake up with a positive outlook on the day ahead, capable of doing whatever’s needed to achieve your goals.

So; eat a couple of hours before you plan to sleep, avoid napping on the sofa, try to limit your screen time before bed and aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. And if you need a little extra help, then give our Aguulp for sleep a try.

Taking time out for yourself

Such an important exercise that is so often overlooked is taking time out for yourself with no distractions and external noise. We’re all guilty of running around at 100mph and never actually giving ourselves any time to just think. But, it’s so important to take a small amount of time out of your day to be isolated from external noise; no checking your phone, no watching tv, just allowing yourself to sit with your thoughts. 

If you’re a morning person then try and do this for 15 minutes every morning. Whether you stay lying in bed or head downstairs to make yourself a coffee, the morning is a great time to sit and think, read a book or go for a run. Whatever it is, do it purely for yourself, without considering work, worries or anything else that can distract you from your day ahead.

Consider ‘reframing’

You may have heard the term ‘reframing’ being used to describe our cognitive approach to the way we view and approach different situations, experiences, ideas and emotions. 

Essentially, reframing is a technique that can be used to improve your outlook and perspective on life without necessarily making any physical lifestyle changes. It’s about being able to view the positives in a given situation and allowing these positive attributes to be the driving forces of our thoughts and decisions. 

If you want to look into how and why you can reframe and improve your outlook… then the article linked below is a great place to start.


Social interaction is so important for our health, confidence, self-esteem and overall well-being. As social creatures, we rely on socialising to lift our mood and keep us in high spirits.

And there’s no reason why the changes you’ve made over the past 12 weeks can’t be incorporated into your social lives. We’re huge advocates of talking about all our issues – be it gut health, general health, work or family concerns. 

So don’t shy away from talking to people about the changes you are making and why. 1 in 4 people suffer from gut-related issues, so it’s highly likely that your friends and family will be intrigued to hear what you’ve been doing over the past 12 weeks and how it could also help them.

Beyond just talking, get them involved! If you’ve seen an improvement in your gut feeling, refer your friends and family so they can also feel the benefits. Involve them in your new daily habits too, from exercising with friends to cooking them a gut-friendly dinner. 

This is by no means a solo journey and a significant percentage of the population will have experienced the discomforts you have felt. 

Enjoy life in Moderation

We all have our good and bad days. One of the few consistencies in everyone’s life is the day-to-day inconsistencies in our thoughts and emotions. One of the best things you can do is to be at peace with this fluctuation. Don’t worry about being worried and don’t beat yourself up if you’ve skipped a day’s exercise or eaten something you know isn’t great for you. 

‘Letting loose’ and not being too hard on yourself is fundamental to keeping a positive mindset. Life should be enjoyed in moderation – and this also goes for your gut. So do your best to implement everything we’ve discussed on a daily basis, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you skip the odd day.

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